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Citizen Scholars: Social Justice

CAL Open Enrollment

Program Contact Information

Program Director:
Stacia Rigney
Program Coordinator:
Stacia Rigney
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Phase 1 End of Semester Reflections

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Each semester you wil complete an End of Semester Reflection. These reflections highlight your progress in the program, and each reflection should connect directly to the competencies associated with the program Phase you are currently moving through -- in this case, Phase 1. Please clearly title and date them, e.g.: End of Semester Reflection Fall 2018, 12-10-18.

Your reflections should cover activities in courses through which you experienced significant growth, and co-curricular activities that you have chosen and participated in on your own, as well as those associated with a course. These reflections should include:

  • areas of pride and accomplishment

  • areas of growth and change, including community service/community engagement

  • challenges encountered and strategies for progress

  • new realizations and directions

  • influence of CS activities and competencies in shaping your growth and development

If you completed Phase 1 and made progress in Phase 2 during the same semester, complete a combined reflection and Phase 2 plan and upload it on your 'Phase 2 Plan + Updates' page.

You will have opportunities to develop your reflection writing skills in your AL 491 course, your AL 110 and 210 courses, and in workshops offered throughout the program. You may also consult Dr. Logan or Ms. Croffe for further assistance.

Submitting your work:

When you are ready to submit work to the Achievements System, make sure you are doing that within the specific tasks (or achievements) that are relevant. Once you submit something, an icon will appear on your program roadmap (the general screen where you can view your program progress). The green icon with a check mark means you have completed that task and that it has been officially approved. The yellow icon indicates that whatever you submitted is currently under review (meaning that you have done what you need to for the moment and program administrators are reviewing your submission). The blue icon with the pin is used for handful of achievements that require you to submit something multiple times. This might be, for instance, a project plan that requires additional updates. For submissions of this sort, once your plan has been approved, the blue pin icon will appear (indicating that you are "good for now, but will have to submit something else in the future" before the entire achievement has been completed). Finally, the red icon with the explanation mark means that something you have submitted has been reviewed, but not approved and requires revision. 

NOTE: This is a submission that utilizes the blue pin icon.